Monday, May 18, 2020

Arts Education Impact On Academic Success - 2259 Words

Arts Education Impact on Academic Success James Travis Gentry Concordia University A Research Report Presented toThe Graduate Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Masters in Education Concordia University - Portland 2015 Arts Education Impact on Academic Success Arts education in public schools is a very valuable asset to helping students become a well-rounded life-long learner. The arts are core subjects in the Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the NC Basic Education Program, and, as such, are included as core subjects every student should learn as part of a balanced curriculum for all children in North Carolina, in short they are considered essential (North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2011). Because the state budget has eliminated so many vital areas of the public school budget the arts instructional supplies and value of the arts overall have come under careful legislative scrutiny. States all over America are limiting arts instruction and some have eliminated programs due to high stakes testing and public funding shortfalls. Arts education encompasses three main areas. Vocal and instrumental based including; choral music, band, orchestra, and music appreciation; Performance based including theater arts, d ance, dance and theater arts appreciation; and Visual based to include visual and studio arts, art appreciation and art history. Through research on the value of arts education in studies throughoutShow MoreRelatedMulticultural Education And Counseling Through The Arts Program1355 Words   |  6 PagesI conducted this project based on the multicultural education and counseling through the arts program also known as MECA. A community program that is currently â€Å"Creating a brighter future for Houston since 1977† (â€Å"Homepage-MECA†, 2015). 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Some schools are facing financial troubles with the current economy, and one of the first programs they consider cutting is fine arts. The removal of fine arts programs would be absolutely devastating to countless members of the community. Many students would lose their favorite class, in some cases the one class that helps them get through the dayRead MoreMy Philosophy Of Education And Education864 Words   |  4 PagesPhilosophy of Education Children are the future and their education is the key to our society’s success. When considering this, I realize I have an immense responsibility as an educator. The main focuses of my teaching are active learning, building character within students, and providing meaningful curriculum. I want to create a comfortable setting where every student feels safe to learn. In many ways, my philosophy agrees with the holistic approach to education. I feel this challenges the studentRead MoreBenefits of Art Education1235 Words   |  5 PagesSteps to Art Early Childhood Arts Education Initiative Fact Sheet About the Benefits of Arts Education for Children Benefits of Arts Education Source: Americans for the Arts, 2002 * Stimulates and develops the imagination and critical thinking, and refines cognitive and creative skills. * Has a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the learning field across socio-economic boundaries. * Strengthens problem-solving and critical-thinkingRead MoreThe Importance of Funding Music and Art Programs for Young Students Across America1685 Words   |  7 Pagesand art programs in schools are perceived to many as extracurricular activities rather than important subjects that are vital to a students learning and skill development. The truth of the matter is that encouraging music and art education in public schools has a much larger impact on student’s grades, academic performance, and the economy than the majority people realize. Within the next year city school budgets will be dropping by twenty five percent, and despite the fact that music and art programsRead MoreAnalysis Of Arts And Music In Music And Education1524 Words   |  7 Pagesand delete all art and music programs out of the curriculum. The alternative to cut these programs and most extra-curricular activities, was to start â€Å"a pay to playâ€Å" programs. Individual school districts offered m usic, art, and sports with the parents paying for the student to participate in the activities. The other option to allow music art and sports in the schools is to raise money through levies and taxes. Both options have shown to be ineffective. 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